Hygiene regulation during the Corona period
Due to the Corona situation and the protection of our visitors and employees, we have drawn up a hygiene plan and a set of rules.
![](https://le-cdn.website-editor.net/s/0aec859a50284cc9ae12413a4c11334c/dms3rep/multi/opt/Info Leitsatz-f9ade997-1920w.jpg?Expires=1741637924&Signature=g1Xl22eYDfNkLS5hDZ2SIBb5HxpZE16kBtHp74BuJZkBVkzllwbMagSsywgBHvJOv6cTIweadJfcxMN9Xxfce7HA68hzjrlYQKC0TaToMWS4Ow~-a-PZlcC86sFlWdcaK~0Uix~pnVo3novoUuYnV0D0jfoitpQTwyfdJkPDo9uhhcHDYB6bFn8r-LxdrotlJ2TwRX8SguptUfGvXr4tkHIr8boGtEMcdyzWvbR5aXMWrRKsEl0ze0NwIaEqeFtcT4gc3D6lWVh6kSMjcSJV3VRo-24e1sM6kw-CwSzWvGi8IngZzCxg9C9DYTXb3rSsDffGgOjkYpditwlq51upNA__&Key-Pair-Id=K2NXBXLF010TJW)
- Number of visitors/check-in/check-out
> The number of visitors present at the same time is limited to 100 visitors. You can see the current number of visitors on our website in the form of a meter reading in real time. Please stop by there before your visit and then decide whether you want/can come. At check-in you will be checked in in compliance with the minimum distance and hygiene rules. Before leaving the hall, you will check yourself out again at the counter.
- Identification required -
> Please bring a valid ID with address to check-in. In order to track a possible chain of infection, we will use the document to compare your contact details with our system and complete them if necessary.
- Hygiene regulation -
> At the first check-in, an additional hygiene regulation must be signed by everyone.
- public traffic -
> It is not possible for spectators and/or accompanying persons to stay in the hall due to visitor restrictions and compliance with the minimum distance.
- Mini Olympus/training area/shop -
> The Mini Olympus, training area and shop are limited to the number of people present at the same time due to the smaller area. The Mini Olympus on 12, the training area on 12 and the shop on one person.
- Distance -
> Every visitor is obliged to keep the necessary minimum distance of 1.50m.
No crowds! Our staff will check at regular intervals and take action if necessary. There will also be several information signs in the hall. Also make sure that there is sufficient distance in the seating area.
- hand hygiene -
> Hands must be disinfected during check-in. Disinfection dispensers are available for this. Hands should also be washed thoroughly before, in between and after bouldering. Please follow the posted signs.
- Cough and sneeze etiquette -
> Compliance with hygiene rules (cough and sneeze into the crook of your arm)
- drinks and food -
> No open drinks or food may be left in the hall. These may not be consumed in the counter area either.
- changing rooms/showers -
> For hygiene reasons, the changing rooms and showers are temporarily closed. So it's best to come in sportswear and maybe leave valuables at home. Toilets and sinks are of course accessible to you. Please note that only one person is allowed on the premises at a time.
- mouth and nose protection -
> Mouth and nose protection is mandatory throughout the hall! Exceptions -> on the mats when bouldering and when you sit down in the bistro area and the gallery.
- signs of illness -
> If you feel sick or unwell, please stay at home and recover.
- Pay contactless -
> If possible, try to pay contactless by card or with your credit.
- air -
> We will ventilate our hall constantly, which makes it generally colder. We therefore recommend that you wear something warmer.
- Chalk obligation -
> Chalk must be used when bouldering. We recommend using liquid chalk. It contains a large proportion of alcohol and can also have a disinfecting effect. We no longer lend chalk!
- Children under 14 years -
> Children under the age of 14 must be looked after 1:1. This means that an adult supervisor must be provided for each child. Of course, the prerequisite is that the hall rules and the distance rule of at least 1.50 m are observed.
thanks for your understanding
We look forward to your visit ;)